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Public Rights of Way in Walcot Ward, Bath : Consultation until 31st July 2013

Jul 15

Research has begun into the public rights of way in the Walcot Ward of the city of Bath. Do you use any paths in the Walcot Ward? If so, the Public Rights of Way Team would be interested to receive your comments by completing a questionnaire about each path you use. The kind of information we are interested in is:

  • How long have you used the path (during which years)?
  • How frequently you use the path?
  • How you use the path (on foot, by bicycle, by horse, by vehicle)?
  • For what purpose you use the path (for work, access to local amenities or leisure)?
  • Do you see many other people using the path?
  • Do you own the land over which the path crosses?

The reason for carrying out the project is because Bath was previously excluded from the requirement to produce a definitive map and statement (the legal record of public rights of way). The map is in progress but does not yet cover the whole of the city of Bath.

We are compiling information about 23 paths in the Walcot Ward to determine whether or not they are public rights of way. If public rights of way are found to exist along the paths, they will be recommended for addition to the definitive map and statement for the City of Bath and the public’s right to use the paths will be safeguarded for the future.

To see and comment on the paths included in the consultation for Walcot Ward, follow this link to the consultation page on the Bath & North East Somerset Council, view the map, and complete the questionnaire. If you prefer to complete a paper questionnaire, the instructions are on the consultation page.

The Bath & North East Somerset Council Public Rights of Way Team is not seeking to close the paths or to change any private rights which may exist along the paths.

The consultation for this stage of research for the Walcot Ward in Bath ends on the 31st July 2013.

Path being researched in Walcot Ward, Bath